Occupational safety and health, Certification on occupational safety and health

Occupational safety and health, Certification on occupational safety and health

According to the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated November 28, 2008 No. 175 on the approval of the instruction on the procedure for training, internship, instruction and testing of knowledge of workers on occupational safety and health

The heads of enterprises and organizations that have not passed the knowledge test on occupational safety and health issues may be held administratively liable (Article 9.17. Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus).

Occupational safety and health, Certification on occupational safety and health
From 100$
  • Organization of exams for foreign specialists;
  • Providing the necessary information for preparation;
  • Passing exams without taking courses;
  • Preparation of a complete set of documents;
  • Free consultation;
5 Days
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According to the decree of the Ministry, employers are obliged by common law to reasonably take care of the safety of their employees. In addition, impose other general responsibilities, introduce specific responsibilities and create government bodies with the authority to regulate safety issues at the workplace: details of this may vary.

Usually, only after accidents, inspections, and obtaining instructions for rectifying defects, company managers are involved in the development of enterprise documentation on occupational safety and health. If they had done this earlier, they would have avoided many problems, including accidents. Both the order of work and the responsibilities of managers are determined in the process of developing documentation.  First of all, the employer employs a specialist under occupational safety and health requirement to:

  • minimize the risk of employer’s liability;
  • the documentation on occupational safety and health in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations;
  • Regular briefings

 Often the functions of a specialist on occupational safety and health are performed by persons who are not adequately or not at all trained.

The result: in most enterprises there is no necessary safety documentation, not to mention the availability of permission to start (continue) implementation or operation with increased risk - the rules are simply ignored by the executives.

Business managers often have problems with labor inspectors.

The employer is obligated to create the working conditions at every workplace and in each unit in accordance with the regulations and guidelines, and is obliged to ensure compliance with statutory requirements regarding the rights of workers in occupational safety and health aspects.

For this, the employers must have a labor management system, namely:

  • employers must create appropriate departments and appoint officials to address specific issues related to labor protection, approve their respective job descriptions, indicating their job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities for failure to fulfill their functions and monitor such work. The job descriptions must be followed;
  • employers must develop comprehensive actions with the participation of the parties to the collective agreement and carry out such actions to achieve efficiency / compliance with applicable standards and increase the existing level of occupational safety and health;
  • shall organize the necessary preventive measures in accordance with the changed circumstances;
  • shall introduce advanced technologies, achievements of science and technology, mechanized methods of production and automation of production, ergonomic requirements, best practices in the field of occupational safety and health and others;
  • shall organize proper maintenance of buildings and structures, production and technological equipment, shall monitor their technological condition;
  • shall organize the elimination of the causes of accidents, occupational diseases, as well as the implementation of preventive measures in accordance with the instructions of the investigation commissions based on the results of the investigation of such causes;
  • shall organize an audit of occupational safety and health, a laboratory analysis of working conditions, an assessment of the technical condition of industrial equipment, certification of workplaces for compliance with established regulatory acts and guidelines for occupational safety and health in the manner and terms established by laws, and based on their findings, measures should be taken to eliminate dangerous and harmful production factors;
  • shall develop and approve guidelines, instructions, other occupational safety and health rules applicable at the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the "internal regulatory acts of the enterprise"), and shall establish the rules for the performance of work and the rules of conduct for personnel on the premises, premises of the enterprise, construction sites, workers places in accordance with laws and regulations governing labor protection must provide employees with rules and regulations on occupational safety and health and internal rules for occupational safety and health actions;
  • shall supervise the observance of technological processes, rules for working with equipment, machinery, equipment and other production facilities, using collective and individual protective equipment, and performing work in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on occupational safety and health by personnel;
  • shall organize safe working methods and cooperation with personnel in the field of occupational safety and health;
  • shall take urgent measures to provide assistance to victims, shall invite, if necessary, professional rescue teams in case of accidents at the enterprise.

Company managers, and specialists responsible for occupational safety and health, members of commissions of organizations that are not subordinate to the republican government body, another state organization subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, another organization, pass the assessment of knowledge on occupational safety and health in the commission of the Minsk City Executive Committee, or the Minsk District Executive Committee.

After the experts pass the occupational safety and health exam, a certificate of occupational safety and health for a period of 3 years is issued.

To pass certification in construction it is also necessary to obtain 3 certificates for occupational safety and health, one must be issued for the name of the head of the organization.

We assist to organize and pass exams for foreign companies and specialists who do not speak Russian. We prepare a full package of documents, accompany when passing the exam before the commission.

it is important to note!

Section 9.17. Violation of Occupational safety and health

(Administrative Violations Code)

1. Violation of the requirements for occupational safety and health contained in regulatory legal acts, including technical and local regulatory legal acts by the official or other authorized person of the employer or individual entrepreneur,

- shall be sanctioned by a fine of five to forty basic units.

2. The same act committed repeatedly within one year after imposing an administrative penalty for the same violation,

 –– entails a fine in the amount of from fifteen to fifty basic units

Ming You, LLC will assist you and arrange the occupational safety and health exam in the shortest possible time.

We provide free consultations.

We provide our services in the shortest time for you (up to 7 days).